Commonly asked questions.
Is your entire bouquet preserved?
No, we will not use your entire bouquet. The overall design will be a representation of your original bouquet. We select the best, freshest blooms and greenery from each bouquet to be dried. We use only what we need to make a beautiful representation of your bouquet.
Will your flowers look exactly like they did when they were fresh?
Most Flowers will retain their natural color and look of freshness after they are dried. Sadly, not all flowers are created equal when it comes to drying. Reds and oranges will always dry darker, some red roses even look black. White orchids can become a little translucent. I will color enhance some flowers when necessary.
How much will it cost to send in your flowers?
Shipping your flowers will cost anywhere from $60 to $300 to overnight. This price varies from shipping location, weight, and size of your box. If you’re sending fresh flowers this is required so that the flowers don’t die during transit. Weight and size can be reduced if you cut down the stems and minimizing the greens to be shipped. Check the dimensions of the item you’re purchasing to help determine how many flowers to send. Keep in mind that sending extra flowers is helpful so if some don’t make it during transit there will be extra to choose from.
If you'd like an estimate on shipping costs, please use the zip code 34222
usps overnight is usually the most affordable
UPS Next Day Air Saver
FedEx Standard Overnight for delivery
try to keep under 15 lbs and in a box no taller than 24 inches to help with overnight charges.
How should the flowers be shipped?
o Keep your flowers hydrating while not in use during the wedding and through the weekend. You can overnight them the following Monday if you're getting married on the weekend.
o Cut the stems at least in half and wrap the bottoms in a wet tissue with a plastic bag and rubberband. Surround the rest of the flower with dry tissue paper so they don't move around during shipping. You also don't want the tops of your flowers wet so the dry tissue will help keep them dry (flower petals can rot and turn to mush if wet). Add a layer of aluminum foil in the box to help with insulation. Delivery trucks can get warm and you don't want your flowers to overheat. If you want to take the extra step, you can double ziplock bag some ice to help keep the flowers cool.
o Never freeze your flowers!
Already have dried flowers?
o We can still preserve them. They will have a different look but can still be beautiful preserved in resin. If you want to dry your own flowers, I suggest buying at least 20lbs of silica gel to layer your flowers. Silica gel will help preserve them in their current condition keeping their color. Keep in mind how you want to use your flowers once dried. If you plan to preserve them in a tray or coaster then the flowers will need to be pressed before dried.
Did not save your flowers from a previous event or just want to create a beautiful gift?
o No problem, we can re-create the look with the same flowers. Additional charges will apply for the cost of the flowers.
What is the turnaround time?
Flowers will need three weeks to fully dry in silica gel before they can be layered in resin. Pouring the layers of resin takes a minimum of 2 weeks. The total turnaround time for resin keepsakes is 5-6 weeks.
For pressed flowers not going in resin they will need 6 weeks for the pressing process and at least two weeks for the design process. The total turnaround time for pressed frames is 8 weeks.